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Nokia N95 installation and registration issue

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:19 pm
by madchild
Hi all

I think this app is one of the best ever. However I could not try it on my own Nokia N95 (1st edition).
I could install the app but the problem is that I get always "Your device is not compatible" when setting up the app in one of the first steps. In the compatible device list I can find the Nokia N95.

What am I doing wrong??

One more issue is that I do not get my username and password. I correctly filled out the reg form and sent the SMS required but I do not get any e-mail.

Somebody can help me on these probs?

Thanks in advance to everybody.

Re: Nokia N95 installation and registration issue

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:51 am
by Foxy
madchild wrote:I could install the app but the problem is that I get always "Your device is not compatible" when setting up the app in one of the first steps. In the compatible device list I can find the Nokia N95.

- Check that you downloaded the version "0.7.2 - Integrated GPS" and not the version "0.7.1 - Bluetooth GPS".
- Some "old" firmwares where buggy on the N95: Update your firmware.
- At any case, uninstall first FoxyTag before tryiing to install the new one. And when your phone asks you if you want to keep parameters, data or settings from the former application, you answer no.

madchild wrote:One more issue is that I do not get my username and password. I correctly filled out the reg form and sent the SMS required but I do not get any e-mail.

Yes, there is a problem with the third party service that receives the SMS and that is meant to forward them to FoxyTag's registration process. I'll send an email to the "pending" registrations that failed as soon as the service works again.