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Offline version - manual updates

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:25 pm
by Lucifer

Congratulation for this great project!

I was wondering if there will be an offline version, where you could update manually any location via uploading a google earth file on your mobile ?

Of course you wouldnt be warned of mobile radars, or have the latest informations, but it could really be useful in some situations.

Imagine you're going from Geneva to Zuerich tomorrow, you could upload the recent radar map tonight, and have all the highway radars, minus the mobiles ones that are going to be set tomorrow morning. But as you're of course a careful driver, you only want to reduce the likelihood of an unwanted picture when forgetting to watching your speed while changing the radio station, and maybe not a bombproof solution.

My experience being that mobile radar flashes are really unlikely given my driving style, and in my opinion, not worth the GPRS cost.

The collaborative system would still be needed for the system to work, but given the advantages many users will still be using it.

Best luck in the implementations to come anyway!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:22 pm
by Foxy
Thank you for your interrest in this project.

Most people do not like to have to connect to the Internet in order to update their files. They want that their application is ready when they need it. The GPRS costs are very very small. And... if the success of FoxyTag continues to grow fastly, I'd like to add other information, like dangers, traffic jams, cheap petrol stations, good or bad restaurants... and all information what the users want to add. So you need to be online.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:18 pm
by humphry
That sounds very good. I would be very pleased to get information about cheep patrol stations, good restaurants or traffic jams.

Did you calculated the needed quantity of users (e.g. in Germany) to get enough informations for a high quality information of POIs ?

How many active users (e.g. in Germany) use Foxytag today ?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:03 am
by Foxy
humphry wrote:That sounds very good. I would be very pleased to get information about cheep patrol stations, good restaurants or traffic jams.

So do I.

humphry wrote:Did you calculated the needed quantity of users (e.g. in Germany) to get enough informations for a high quality information of POIs ?

The more the better.

humphry wrote:How many active users (e.g. in Germany) use Foxytag today ?

That's a secret. Otherwise they would never had been a first user; remember the quality of FoxyTag relies directly to the number of users.