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The username must contain between 3 and 25 characters among [a..z], [A..Z], [0..9] and [ .-_ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆàáâãäåæÇçÐðÈÉÊËèéêëÌÍÎÏìíîïÑñÒÓÔÕÖØŒòóôõöøœŠšÙÚÛÜùúûüÝŸýÿŽž], but never two consecutive spaces and no space at the beginning nor at the end.
The username isn't valid.
Your new password must contain between 7 and 25 characters.
The password must contain between 7 and 25 characters.
This e-mail address isn't valid.
Your mobile phone number. It must be written in the international format, e.g. +417912345678. (There is usually a leading 0 to remove.) For more information about your country code, see
This mobile phone number isn't valid.


- Why do you collect phone numbers and e-mails during registration ?

To be sure that a single user has only one username/password pair, and therefore be able to exclude malevolent users. Information given by you remains confidential.

- I lost my username and my password, what can I do ?

Send a SMS (with the mobile that you use for FoxyTag) containing the text "FOXYTAG rec" to number +41793816010 (normal price of a SMS, no surcharge). You will then receive an email containing your username and your password (about 1-10 minutes).

FoxyTag's speed cameras now in amAze


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Speed Cameras Map